Explore surface water and wetland design with Mike Kitchen, P.Eng.
Desktop Investigations Seminar Series: Hydrology & Wetland Design
This seminar guides listeners through the following considerations when analyzing water inputs for a wetland:
- Hydrology & Wetland Design Context
- Wetland Basin Design Objectives – Urban Context with Calgary Case Study
- Surface (Storm) Water Runoff Modelling – Running different models to capture different time and development scenarios
- Due Diligence in Surface Runoff Modelling – robust & repeatable
The focus of the seminar is on constructed wetland design objectives & storm water management; however, both natural and constructed water bodies require the same elements when designing, analyzing or managing them, where surface water represents the lifeblood of any wetland, and catchments their heart.
Originally Aired: Tuesday, Apr. 23/24 from noon to 1pm MST
This OnDemand Seminar include approximately 50 minutes of video content in four 13-14 minute modules and four optional quizzes.
Objectives of Seminar will provide you with the basic concepts of managing surface water and how to incorporate that into designing a wetland or pond. This seminar will provide learners with a ‘working-lite knowledge’ of stormwater management, hydrographs, grading plans, catchments & subcatchments & surface water runoff analysis.