Desktop Investigations:
Environmental Analysis Seminars
Target Audience
SALMTEC presents a seminar series on Desktop Analysis, designed to build capacity in existing professionals, regulators, project managers, and recent graduates by developing skills at analyzing imagery, spatial datasets, and technical reports.
- Five seminars in total
- Originally aired one per month from January to May 2024
- OnDemand Seminars created with enhanced video/audio and interactivity

- Recordings of live one-hour seminars that included:
- Theory
- Examples
- Q&A
- Presented in four video modules with optional quizzes
- OnDemand Seminars are self-paced
Seminar Schedule
Land Use Assessment
Land uses over time: imagery interpretation and other tools
Reviewing Technical Reports
Review professional reports like a pro
Landscape Analysis
Analyze, don't Summarize landscape formation components
Hydrology & Wetland Design
Understanding surface hydrology parameters in wetland design.
Preliminary Wetland Delineation
Imagery Climate/Watersheds Geology/Soils Hydrology/Ecosystems
Professional Wetland Practice Standards Webinar
Panel discussion on creation and use of professional standards