Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Types of SALMTEC Courses
A course that consists of number online videos and quizzes, offline computer-based activities, an interactive class(es) and a final exam. Self-paced learning & scheduled interactive classes. Time to complete is usually more than eight hours.
A course that consists of online video content, as well as quizzes, assignments and a certificate of completion. Self-paced learning. Time to complete is usually more than one hour.
A snackable learning course includes online video content and quizzes, as well as optional assignments. Self-paced learning. Time to complete is approximately one hour.
SALMTEC courses are made up of several elements which may include an interactive class. For example the graphic below shows all of the elements that make up the Biophysical Foundations course
Live seminars that have been recorded, edited and presented as a short course that includes quiz questions and a certificate of completion.
Professional Development Credits
Q: Can SALMTEC courses be used for the Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta (ASET) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program?
A: Yes! Each of SALMTEC’s courses would count as 1 activity. Our ABWRET-A and GVI courses would be in the “Formal Training and Education” category and our Alberta Wetland Policy Basics, Understanding ACIMS tools and Alberta Soil Information Viewer courses would be in the “Informal Training and Education” category. The course certificate can be used as proof of course completion in the event that the ASET member is audited and asked to provide documentation
Q: Can SALMTEC courses be used for the Alberta Institute of Agrologists (AIA) Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Program?
A: Yes! SALMTECs courses typically fall into the “Continuing Education” category. The number of CCP hours is equal to the number of hours to take the course, including time to complete offline activities. The course certificate can be used as proof of course completion in the event that the AIA member is called for a practice review.
Q: Can SALMTEC courses be used for the Alberta Society of Professional Biologists (ASPB) Continuing Competency Program (CCP) Program?
A: Yes! Each hour of course attendance equals one Professional Development Hour (PDH). SALMTECs courses are typically considered a “Formal Activity”. ASPB members are strongly encouraged to keep records of their professional development in the event of an audit, course certificates can be used as proof of course completion.
Q: Can SALMTEC courses be used for the Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals (AAFMP) Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Program?
A: Yes! Registrants can claim 1h of credit for every 1h of instruction for Category 1 activities and 2h of credit for every 1 hour of instruction for Category 2 activities. SALMTEC’s ABWRET-A, GVI and Biophysical Foundations courses are considered Category 2 activities. SALMTEC’s Alberta Wetland Policy Basics, Biophysical Bootcamp, Understanding ACIMS tools and Alberta Soil Information Viewer courses are considered Category 1 activities. The required documentation for the CCP includes a certificate of completion and course content, such as assignments, class notes, and activities.
Q: Can SALMTEC courses be used for the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program?
A: Yes! APEGA members can claim 1CPD for 1 hour of course attendance. The ABWRET-A, GVI, Biophysical Bootcamp and Biophysical Foundations courses would fall into the “Formal Activity” category. The Alberta Wetland Policy Basics, Understanding ACIMS tools and Alberta Soil Information Viewer courses would fall into the “Informal Activity” category.
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